My L5R Campaign

Basic Information

  • Rokugan is the name of the mythic empire (based on feudal Japan) in which the game is set.
  • Bushi is your basic samurai, and Shugenja is the magic-user class. All of the other schools are usually self-explanatory.


CrabThe Crab Clan is made of gruff warriors who defend the empire from the Shadowlands, a place where evil has infested the land itself, and all kinds of monsters venture out to attack Rokugan. Available
CraneThe Crane are the Emperor's left hand, a group of politicians, courtiers, and artists. And some of the finest duelists in Rokugan. Jeff, Aaron & Jaimeson
DragonThe Dragon are a clan of prophets and knowledge-seekers. They are the most enigmatic of any of the clans, keeping to themselves and rarely becoming involved with day-to-day affairs of the empire. Available
LionThe Lion are the Emperor's right hand. They are the warriors of the empire, a clan steeped in honor and strength, and will fight to defend any cause they deem just. Which usually involve themselves... Frank & Will
PhoenixThe Phoenix are the empire's keepers of knowledge. They are the most magic-oriented clan, to the extent that their shugenja are morre in cotrol of the clan than their champion. Often enigmatic, but not nearly as much as the Dragon, they merely seek knowledge, and believe that they are the only ones worthy of possessing much of it. Josh
ScorpionThe Scorpion are the Emperor's underhand. They are the masters of secrets and the keepers of lies. If there is anything dark, shadowy, or underhanded happening in the empire, they are involved. Unavailable
UnicornThe Unicorn are relative newcomers to Rokugan. A thousand years ago, the clan left the empire to scout out threats beyond its borders. Two hundred years ago they returned. They are still adapting to Rokugani society, and still hang on to many of the barbarian customs they picked up on their travels. But their cavalry is without any question the best in the empire. Mike & Matt
Imperial FamiliesThe Imperial Failies are exactly that -- the families of the Emperor's vassals. They are much smaller than the great clan families, but they hold much sway because of their position. Paul
Minor ClansThe minor clans are clans that were formed since the forming of the empire. For one reason or another, the emperor may grant a samurai the right to have his own clan and/or name. The minor clans are not nearly as influential as the Great Clans, and their members are not as respected, but because of their distance from the courts and usually because of their formation for a specific purpose, the minor clans usually have one thing at which they excel far beyond the rest of the empire. Danny