My L5R Campaign

Greetings, and welcome to the Asako Library. I am your host, Shiba Ryu. I have spent these last several years here as a retainer for the Isawa, so needless to say, I have had a lot of free time. I have passed the time by inventing our internet connection, with the help of Asako Arogoru (he'll tell you it was his idea, but don't you believe him). So now I am here to aid you as you seek to learn of my homeland and my people.

Welcome to my new Legend of the Five Rings RPG website. The idea for this site came to me recently as I was looking online for some Rokugani historical information. I found that there are scores of L5R websites, but nearly all of them focus primarily, if not only, on the card game.

Now, I enjoy the card game, but I don't really need more information about the newest card strategies or tournaments. I wanted to find a website with some good information, preferably in a D10 format. And since I found it nearly impossible to find much on the web, I decided to make it myself.

If you are looking for material for a d20 campaign of L5R, you should still find this site useful. Much of the information I plan on putting here is simply that - information. There are works of history, culture, and society that are completly devoid of any kind of RPG statistics. Some of the other material here will end up dual-statted for both systems. If you really need d20-specific information, I'm sure that you can find it on the web easily. Thanks to the OGL, such material is far from being in short supply.

But also keep in mind that this site is very new, so there is much that I have not put up yet. Of course, if you would like to submit anything, check out this page for the few rules I have.

So feel free to look around. All of the material here is new, either created by me or submitted by its creator.

Kitsune Takibi, fortune of browser settings, recommends viewing this site at at least 1024x768 resolution.

So why d10?

  • The Book of Earth
    Writings. Rokugani life, culture, and fanfic. Also, the details of my campaign.
  • The Book of Water
    Character. New Advantages, Disadvantages, Skills, and the character option compilations.
  • The Book of Fire
    Rules. Optional combat, character, and role-playing rules.
  • The Book of Air
    Magic. New spells and methods.
  • The Book of Void
    GM material. Adventures, monsters, nemuranai, and histories.


  • 30 August: Well, with the advent of Third Edition, the site's hiatus is in an odd extension. I need to update the Character Option Compilations for 3E, but I'm debating whether to keep the information here primarily First, Second, or Third. In the meantime, the updated Compilations are in the Book of Water.
  • 8 April: Nothing is working right now. I apologize for the mess, but I have just changed hosting providers, and a lot of files still need to be transferred, and a few pieces of code need to be re-written. Everything should be up this weekend.
  • 28 January: I know it's been a while. And now I'm not really going to work terribly hard on this site until Third Edition is released. But for now, the dueling rules have been updated in th Book of Fire. The alternate rules were just too cumbersome, and I finally realized a few things that helped me understand the given rules.
  • 24 August: Extended torture sessions Classes have started. Updates are going to be sparse until I can get into the hang of my new schedule. Talk amongst yourselves.
  • 17 August: I said I wouldn't do it any time soon, but I have redesigned the site layout. Hopefully, having only one sidebar will make the articles a little easier to read. Sadly, I still reccommend at least 1024x768 resolution, because anything smaller than that will make the header buttons look absolutely terrible.
  • 13 August: Added Ide Kimata, a Unicorn diplomat, to the Book of Void. Also rearranged the characters there into pregenerated characters and NPCs.
  • 12 August: Added "Strangers in the Woods" to the fiction in the Book of Earth.
  • 4 August: Added "The Body," a Kitsuki-centric Challenge-Focus-Strike adventure to the Book of Void.
  • 28 July: Added "The Tournament," a Challenge-Focus-Strike adventure to the Book of Void.
  • 22 July: Added the Disadvantages "Backwoods" and "Hemophilia" to the New Disadvantages in the Book of Water.