My L5R Campaign

Samurai are representatives of their clans, wherever they go. Even the gruffest bushi is an ambassador for his daimyo when he is in another clan's lands. Because of this, a samurai's clansmen will often judge him or her much more critically than any daimyo or courtier.

Optional Rule: Low-Honor Social Penalties

  • The Clans do not like samurai making them look bad. If a character ever drops below 1 Honor, his clan will be very upset with him: +10 to all the character's TNs in social situations with clan members.
  • If a character ever drops to .5 Honor or less for any reason, he will be on very thin ice with his clan and his ancestors -- +20 to social TNs with his clansmen, and the character loses his family's bonus.
  • If a character's Honor ever, ever drops to 0, he will be cast out of his clan as a ronin.